Krinal Shah Suri, koordynatorka ds. międzynarodowych UNAP, wzięła udział we flagowym wydarzeniu organizowanym przez Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych - Strategic Ark, które odbyło się w dniach 18-19 maja w Warszawie. Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z relacją Krinal z konferencji:
I had the rare privilege to attend the PISM Strategic Ark 2023- a flagship event of Polish Institute of International Affairs- PISM, which convened in Warsaw on 18-19 May 2023. The opening speeches were delivered by The President of the Republic of Poland - Mr. Andrzej Duda, The President of Ukraine- Mr. Volodymyr Zelenskyy & Director of The Polish Institute of International Affairs - Mr. Slawomir Debski. I met Mr. Zbigniew Rau- Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland.

We must support Ukraine in its accession to NATO and the European Union -The world community must consolidate unity and solidarity in helping Ukraine, in the first place, continue the campaign of military-political and humanitarian support of Ukraine. As well as pressure on Russia and answers to other challenges. The European Union and the "big seven" should continue to impose further tough sanctions on Russia, minimize dependence on Russian energy resources, and fully withdraw capital and investment from Russia. Poland will continue to maintain strong US leadership in Europe, strengthening NATO's eastern flank and territorial expansion of the Alliance and the European Union. This is the only way to guarantee that Russian imperial ambitions will not come true- the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda said during his speech at the opening of the conference.
Providing Ukraine with weapons, assistance in the restoration of territorial integrity and sovereignty, and developing a strategy to defeat Russia are the key issues on which the world has to put a primary focus- said Hannah Hopko, Chairwoman of National Interests Advocacy Network, International Center for Ukrainian Victory. She thanked the President of Poland Mr. Andrzej Duda and the people of Poland for their steadfast support of Ukraine.